Epilogue part 1

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A/n there will be two parts and two POV. This is a little bit different of an ending but I hope you like it. Just gotta clear the air..... Yes I will be writing more, trust me I have something in store for you all! Just be a little bit patient.

Callie POV
So here we are you're reading this and you're wondering why must it end? Well this was to show people that love exists. It was to show that even when you hate yourself and all else fails you are loved by someone. Whether thats your mom or dad, or brother, sister, boyfriend, or even girlfriend. Know you are loved by someone. Even if you think you aren't. Someone out there who you could barley know loves you.
I sit on Shawn's bit white cozy couch and sink into his chest never wanting the moment to end. But it will. It will end. He will go back to work traveling and singing for people, I will go back to university and we wait for each other to be back in each other's arms again. I made Shawn promise me to never say goodbye as for goodbye meant not seeing each other again. And we will see each other again. Soon. Very soon. So we say until then instead.
I write this to fellow people to say not be afraid of love as love doesn't harm you. You may get harmed in the process but it shows you are strong to either leave or to fight for love. Don't put effort into fighting for love. It should be a natural thing. If you get scared to think of losing someone you love you make sure not to lose them right? Well that's what fighting for love is.
Don't give up on love, if you give up it means you weren't strong enough. It means you gave up too easy, but you ARE atrong enough and you DON'T give up easy. So who ever you fight for and continue to fight, fight until the day comes that not seeing them in the morning doesn't mean anything. Because I know I will never get tired of seeing Shawn's face in the morning whether thats via face time or face to face. I know losing him will kill me and eat me from the inside out. So I plan on fighting for a long time. I plan to not give up on love. I plan to love him for eternity.
----part 1 of epilogue..... Hope you liked it. I feel like it's crap but you guys can be the judge.

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