Chapter 65

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A/n hope you like it!!!!!! For sure stick around to see the block party!

Callie POV
I wake up to "O Canada" blasting in my ears, I take the pillow from under my head and cover my ears and groan.
Dad: "WAHOO!!!! ITS CANADA DAY! COME ON KID! LETS GO!" I sit up with my hair a complete mess and my dad jamming to the song, he looks at me with a funny 'im not sorry' look.
I plop down back on my bed and let out a groan. I slide out of my bed dramatically and head over to the bathroom to do my normal routine.
I head downstairs and see my dad all decked out in red and white colors.
I let out a laugh and expect Terrie to be more mature one, but no she's wearing Canada flag glasses.
I laugh a little and she goes over to my dad and they both make duck face and take a picture.
I laugh extremely loud and head to the kitchen to get a banana.
I head upstairs and get ready for my daily gym routine.
After the gym I head back home and take a shower.
After showering and not smelling like a smelly gym, I go to my room and get ready for the block party.
I quickly blow dry my hair and straighten my hair and start to do my makeup when I get a call from shawn
Shawn: "chicken or Burger?" As I'm applying my blush my face gets really confused
Me: "huh?" I hear a chuckle
Shawn: "chicken or Burger? For dinner?" I laugh
Me: "Burger, definitely"
Shawn: "Fuck yeah! Okay I'll see you at 7!" I hang up and realize that he sounded hapier than usual.
I start to look through my closet and get frustrated; but I take a deep breath and try to find something
Me: "okay, Callie you love jeans-" I take out my favorite light blue cropped jeans and put them on. "-okay red shirt" I look through my closet and find a red v-neck and put it on. I feel like myelf. I feel comfortable "-okay just cause Canadian colors are red and white I'll wear white sneakers" I quickly put my shoes on look at myself in the mirror
Me: "alright, not bad" as soon as I said that the doorbell rings
Me: "here goes nothing"
-ummm gonna get good!!!

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