Chapter 42

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A/n hope you like it!! Also if you have any names for a girl in hopefully a fanfic that I'm making on here please let me know. Vote and comment!!

Callie POV
As I get into Ajax and turn on a side street I look at her
Me: "I'm trusting you." She gives me a reassuring look that tells me that I can trust her
Me: "i am texting a guy." Her mouth goes wide
Grace: "omg like friend or like FRIEND?" Making her voice go deep at the second friend.
Me: "friend. The first one. Honestly he's just a friend"
Grace: "what's his name??" I decide to tell her since she really isn't a Shawn fan, how I'm friends with her I don't know but I've known her since I was little because our dads did a tour (army) together.
Me: "Shawn. Honestly first guy friend that doesn't want either my friends or me in my pants. I mean I was just nervous because of Daniel, ya know I don't want a repeat"
Grace: "no you don't. AND we don't need a repeat of your body." I nod with her and we get to the driveway.
As we get inside I decided to text Shawn
Me: "what's up?? Just know when you texted me I was driving and all I heard was "THATS MY BEST FRIEND!" And got scared shitless" I press send and I see a response right away
Shawn: "I laughed so hard people are staring at me at a restaurant" I laugh at his text
Me: "okay well just tell them, "I have an amazing best friend" because well you do"
Shawn: "your right I should 😂"
As soon as I read it I hear my name in the backyard and go and see what's wrong.
--honestly I'm trying to make these funny but I feel like I'm failing.

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