Chapter 9

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Shawn POV
Me: "you what?" I look confused rubbing my hands through my sweaty hair
Laur: "I feel like I'm trapped. I can't tell anyone that your my boyfriend." I shake my head
Laur: "I'm tired of sharing you Shawn. The fans are too intense. I can't keep up. What would happen if we got married or had kids! How would you make time? You barley have time for your family let alone me. What makes you think you'll had time for your own family?" As she said those words my heart broke. She's right. I just keep nodding at her words
Laur: "so for now Shawn, we need a break. But hey after tour call me." I end the call and sit in my bus crying.
Me: "AHAHAHA!" I scream and punch the wall. I punched the wall...hard, I grip my hand.
Me: "ahh god my hand" and grab it tighter
After about 5 minutes I splash some water on my face and I leave the bus.
I'm greeted by my dad by the entrance
Dad: "hey lunch- you okay you and laur okay?" I shake my head no and his face changes. He reopens the tour bus and gently pushes me in and we go inside the bus
Dad: "tell me what happened?" He demands when I hear the door open again and see my mum come in to see what was wrong. I tell them what happened and my mum holds my face

--I'm sorry if I made you cry of thinking of Shawn crying! Because I kinda cried making this!

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