Chapter 7

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A/n hope you like it!!!! Also I don't know anything about Laur/Lauren. I don't know how she treated Shawn at all. I'm making up how she treated him! So please don't go and hate on her for something I don't know if she did.

Shawn POV
*present day*
The illuminate world tour has started and I'm extremely happy. Except for the fact that Lauren keeps on calling me at the worst times. While I'm working out, while I'm sleeping, while I'm rehearsing, DURING THE SHOW! She's become very clingy and I feel bad because I'm not giving her time just like last time. After the show I finally give her a call on FaceTime
Me: "hey laur! How was your day?" She looks pissed
Lauren: "HORRIBLE! You've been dodging my calls and texts all day what's up with that?! Huh? I thought you said it would be different?" I hesitate and see Geoff whisper something
Geoff: "didn't SHE say it would be different?" He says and I just shrug
Me: "laur I'm sorry I'm busy! It's just this tour has been really hectic! I don't mean to dodge your calls its just your timing is a bit off! Laur the time zones are throwing you off" She sighs
Laur: "okay well I can't keep up with your damn tour dates!" I get distracted with the topic so I decide to change it
Me: "well Laur I'm sorry okay! But please tell me about your day? I wanna hear it!" She lets out a sigh
Laur: "well-" and that's all I heard until I tuned her out. I know it sounds bad but all she talked about was what I was missing and if I was home I wouldn't miss it.
Maybe high School Laur is better.
--do you like it?? I wanted you guys to get a feel of both of Callie and Shawn's relationship. Now I know nothing about Lauren but this is how I'm going to interpret it. Vote and comment!  Xox

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