Chapter 48

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A/n hope you like it!! Also I would say don't drink underage but that's like telling that to Shawn, just just be safe!!! And don't drink and drive!!!! Vote and comment!!!

Callie POV
After having my face beat with makeup by lisa she steps away and looks at me
Lisa: "fuck yes it looks good!" I laugh at her and look in the full length mirror; I scan my body looking at how I look; I look good, I feel confident.
I take my phone out and open snapchat; I use the koala filter
Me: "Lisa come here." She comes over and sees the filter
Lisa: "come on we are leaving!" I quickly post the video and go downstairs and see my dad
Me: "okay dad were going."
Dad: "text me when your done at the party so I know your safe" I nod and give him a quick hug.
I get into Lisa's car and we drive to her house and set up for our sleepover later.
She places bottles of water and pain reliever by each night stand.
Me: "are we getting that drunk?"
Lisa: "it's Olivia's party; you never know" I nod at her and I place my bag by the other side of the bed.
We head to Olivia's party and there's already some people that have arrived.
Olivia: "hey!!! We need a picture!" I nod at her and then she hands me a red solo cup.
Olivia: "here take this!"
I grab the cup and take a picture with Olivia.
Olivia: oh! I made Jell-O shots!
Lisa: "so going to be a good party!"
Olivia: "we're playing flip cup! Callie your doing that! Everyone knows your good!"
Me: "it's all in the flick of the wrist" we all laugh and I take another sip of my drink
As the party continues to go on I'm socializing taking pictures and really glad that Lisa made me come; the people who never talked to me in high school are actually talking to me; and dodging them is the best feeling.
As I'm socializing with my friends, Lisa's jaw kinda drops open and I look at her funny
Me: "you okay?" She takes another sip of her drink and looks at me
Lisa: "Daniel." My body tenses up and I get extremely nervous
Michelle: "hey! No stop! Don't do that! Don't play the victim! You look hot, show him what he's missing" I smile at her words and take a deep breathe
Me: "okay what do I do?"
--AHAHA okay sorry if this isn't really callie getting drunk but don't worry it will happen!!

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