Chapter 12

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A/n trying to make them longer!!! Before I posted on my Instagram first I saw that this chapter was like 500 words but I had to shorten it for Instagram, damn you Instagram!

Callie POV
I walk by and look disgusted when I see Maria and then my eyes land on the guy she's kissing.
Me: "Daniel?" he's kissing...not just any girl he's kissing his ex, did I mention was Maria. He looks at my very drunk
Daniel:"WHATTTTTT?!" He says
Katie: "Callie come back"  I put my hands up in defense and go to the table acting very shy. Katie looks at me very confused.
Katie: "you okay?" I look up from the table
Me: "huh? Oh, Y-yeah I'm fine" the waitress comes back with the food which Dylan ordered for me.
Dylan: "I'm the best friend ever I know what my girl Callie wants" we all chuckle
Alex: "YOUR GAY!"
Dylan: "that too" I look at my food and slowly pick at it. Remembering what Daniel said about my size. After our congratulations dinner for Alex winning the game I head to my car with Lisa and Dylan. The car ride is loud, listening to music jamming out and totally forgetting about what happened with Daniel. But as soon I drop off Dylan and then Lisa I become sad and remember why. I'm parked on the street thinking about what happened with Daniel and question "what do I do?" I sit there for 10 minutes and then drive off.
I get home to my dad and Terrie watching a movie.
Terrie: "did you have fun?" She looks up from my dads chest
Dad: "yeah did they win?" I sigh and want to go to sleep but don't. I walk over
Me: "yeah it was really fun! We won!" I sat down with them and watched the movie. I see my dad has a bowl of popcorn and I look at it and want some but don't. I kept on thinking about my size and if I'm really "too large"
--hope this is getting kinda good. Vote and comment

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