Chapter 17

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A/n hello! Sorry if this is so short, I have my high school graduation tonight and I sadly had to rush to put this up for you guys! Vote and comment

Callie POV
It's been about a week and honestly I still feel horrible. It's been about a week since I dumped Daniel or Daniel dumped me, who knows.
I'm not sad that I dumped Daniel, I'm a little sad the reason that Daniel dated me.
I've been cutting down on what I eat. I just want everyone to not hate my body.
So I've been cutting down on my food...a lot.
Lisa: "hey Callie, where's your lunch?" She asks while sitting down with the school lunch.
I just shrug
Me: "I'm not really that hungry" she looks at me and laughs. She hands me a piece of chicken.
I give in and take it, I'm about to take a bite out of it, then I see him
Daniel...with Maria
He looks at me giving me a devilish look.
I place the chicken down without lisa looking.
---please do not follow what Callie does! If you are in the situation of Callie you can talk to me!

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