Chapter 37

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A/n hope you like it. Hope you don't mind that Shawn isn't in every chapter, I mean Callie has a life.

Callie POV
Today I have college orientation; kinda nervous I get to meet my roommates.
My dad practically forced me to sign up for dorming so I have what he calls the "experience I never had" but honestly I don't want the experience I want my own apartment my own space, I don't want a roommate that could possibly be a complete slob.
As I'm at the orientation I take my college ID picture; it looks absolutely horrible and decide to send it to a couple of people; Lisa, Sydney and of course Shawn.
I get a response from Shawn right away
Shawn: "why you look pissed dog?" I laugh and question what he texted me
Me: "dog tf!?"
Shawn: "you call me dude I call you dog!" I laugh at our new names while still texting him.
I meet my roommate and at first glance she seems nice but I don't trust her and her cleanliness
Terrie: "you know you grow up in a military family when the thing you worry about is if your roommate is going to mess up your best dorm." Me and my dad look at each other and laugh
Dad: "honestly tho. That is so accurate" the thing with having a military dad is that the house is always clean; never knowing who's coming over, every week having daily chores since I was able to walk. So a clean house/room has rubbed off on me.
Dad: "I'll make you a deal." I look at him and cross my arms
Dad: "HEY!" I uncross them
Me: "yes sir? I'm listening."
Dad: "if you don't like it first year we can look for an apartment okay? But they don't let first years live off campus"
Me: "that's stupid"
Dad: "tell me about it. But do we have a deal?" I nod my head and me and my dad shake on it.
Terrie: "I swear you guys make a deal about everything." We laugh at what Terrie says and stick out tongue out; she luckily takes a picture
Dad: "your just jealous of all this" pointing at me and him.
--let me know your thoughts.

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