Chapter 41

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A/n the only reason your getting 2 chapters is because for some reason chapter 40 didn't post. And the only reason I knew was because I was coming back today to post this chapter. So sorry about that.

Callie POV
I wake up at 5:00 in the morning; now you ask Callie why are you waking up so early I'm the summer and you just graduated high school,
Well my friend from America is coming to Canada for a week to relax.
I lazily wake up not changing into different clothes and tip toe out of the house to my car to go pick up my friend
I excitedly park my car and walk into the airport waiting for her plane to land.
"Flight 306 from New York has now landed" I hear on the intercom and start to get extremely excited.
Finally I see my friend coming closer to me and I start to jump up and down and I run to her
Me: "AHAHAHA GRACE!!!!" I run up to her and we hug so tight
Grace: "I can't believe I'm here with you!!!!!" We hug even tighter; I take her bags and we go to my car which she doesn't know is mine now
Grace: "what did Justin get a new car?" She helps me put her bags in the trunk
Me: "no. It's mine" whispering the last part.
Grace: "NO WAY!!!!!!" I nod my head and we get in the car.
As we are driving home from the airport I keep on getting notifications from someone.
Grace: "aren't you going to see who it is?" I shake my head no
Me: "I'm not dying seeing who's texting me. You can look for me tho" she takes my phone while it still be connected to the aux cord.
Grace: "um Justin says "hurry up" um someone named Lisa asks "do you have my white converse in your car?" What should I say?"
Me: "for dad tell him were almost home and tell Lisa not sure but I'll look"
She finally finished texting who texted me and we continue to talk.
"THAT MY BEST FRIEND THATS MY BEST FRIEND" goes off on my phone and I know exactly who it is and I instantly laugh
Grace: "bitch I thought I was your best friend?" She gave me the same look and I laugh and continue to drive
Grace: "WHO DA HELL IS DUDE? Girl whoever it is get it!" I laugh and decide to tell her since I trust her
--AHAHAHA OMG hope this is kinda funny

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