Chapter 22

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A/n hope you like it!!!! Let me know what you think! Also I'm on a small vacation right now so sorry for the bad wifi! Vote and comment!

Callie POV
A couple of weeks have gone by and honestly I've been slowly been getting back to the way I was, but better.
More muscle.
After my train with my dad on Saturday I sit at home doing my English project that I left for the last second.
I hear a knock. Groan for having to leave my computer because my legs feel like noodles
Me: "lisa I can't talk for long I have to do this English project" she nods and pushes her way through the door
Lisa: "okay so...."
Me: "WHAT?!" She laughs at me and goes to the kitchen
Lisa: "okay so you know how you love Shawn Mendes?" I chuckle
Me: "I know of my obsession" we both laugh
Lisa: "well consider this a really really early birthday present" she sets down a envelope. I look at her very confused.
I take the envelope and open it. My eyes go wide when I see it.
Me: "NO WAY!" She laughs at me
My dad and Terrie come downstairs to see what the screaming is
Dad: "what's wrong?"
Me: "oh nothing I'm going to go see SHAWN FREAKING MENDES!" My dad walks back upstairs clearly annoyed
Dad: "I hate guy celebrities"
Terrie: "okay she gets the best friend award!" I laugh and nod
Lisa: "well consider it a yay for getting a new body and forgetting Daniel!" I laugh and hug her tightly
Me: "thank you so much!" I almost cry

--I decided not to change the story ever so slightly. Lisa and Callie aren't going to meet Shawn at VIP but another way!

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