Chapter 15

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A/N hope you like it!!!!! Vote and comment!

Callie POV
As I press the accept the face time call from Lisa her face goes from happy to sad in a second.
Lisa: "who do I have to kill?" I weakly smile and told her what happened without trying to cry.
After I'm done I finally let out a couple of more sobs, she looks so mad. I swear if looks could kill he would have his guts out ready for him to run her over.
Lisa: "I will murder him, I don't care. No one hurts you like that! You are definitely NOT too large! Callie your a gymnast you have to have muscle! You HAVE to be fit to compete!" I just shrug and tell her "k" I hesitate when I tell her I have to go; even though I don't. I hang up and decide to go to sleep.
I wake up being shaken by my dad
Me: "mhh what time is it?" I rub my eyes.
Dad: "umm its 19 hundred." I nod and look at my dad while he sits down on my bed and I scoot to give him more room.
Dad: "ya know I love you, and when you cry like that.-" he holds back tears "-My god Callie it kills me. And when I heard who it was I wanted to kill him" I nod
Me: "it's whatever" he shakes his head
Dad: "it's not whatever, I know it bothers you. Come on I'm taking you out for burgers" I'm usually extremely excited about burgers. Don't know why but they are so good. But this time I show no emotion
Me: "I'm not really hungry" my dad looks at me like I'm crazy but gets up and shrugs
Dad: "alright kid. I love you. He is not your main concern" I nod and my dad leaves and I go back to bed.
--by the way Callie's dad is in the military. Hense the military time. 19 hundred just means 7 o'clock at night

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