Chapter 31

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A/n hope you like it!!! So sorry if it's too short! I know it's literally like a little over 200 words. So sorry!!!!! Hope you like it!!!!! Vote and comment!

Callie POV
Lisa and I quickly finished breakfast and headed to the gym
Lisa: "God I don't get how you dance at 8 am!"
Me: "easy you grow up with a dad that makes you wake up everyday at 5am for training" she shakes her head and rubs her temples it at the same time
Lisa: "God you had a weird ass childhood" I laugh and park the car.
Before I enter I look at my phone and see yet another dm from Shawn:
"Oh wow you responded! That's something I didn't except. So, unfortunately I can't see you for a week, because of touring but in the mean time lets get to know each other. Ya know I don't want to meet a total creep lol. So what are you doing?" I read it and immediately have a smile on my face
"Yeah I don't want to be friends with a creep. But I'm going to the gym since dance season is over. What about you?"
I press send and go to the studio and dance and practice my routine
--hope it's not boring. I'm trying to get you guys used to there relationship.

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