Chapter 63

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A/n hope this is good! Once again I don't really like my own work; is that even normal? I don't know. But I hope you like it! I really appreciate when I get feedback! Thats the only way for me to learn! Also love you guys!!!! ❤❤❤

Callie POV
After going to the mall with Lisa I get home and throw the bag of clothes on the bed and plop on my bed and let out a groan.
After about 10 minutes of just sitting laying there I hear my phone ringing.
I lift my head up and reach for my phone not looking at the caller ID
Shawn: "hey" I hear it very low. I sit up properly
Me: "hey? What's up?" I hear a loud sigh
Shawn: "sorry I haven't talked to you in a couple of days-" a smile is forming across my face knowing that he's sorry, no guy I know would ever do that, guess I was wrong.
Me: "hey it's okay." He sounds a little bit relieved
Shawn: "-can we talk?"
Me: "yeah sure what's up?"
Shawn: "can we meet at our normal place?" I smile
Me: "yeah I'll see you there" starting to get up and head out
Shawn: "great!" He sounds a little too excited.
I smile and head to my car.
I get to tims and see Shawn sitting at a table looking extremely nervous; fiddling with his ring on his finger.
Why does he look so nervous?
I leave my car and enter the coffee shop and Shawn's eyes shoot towards me and a smile creeps on his face.
He stands up and smiles at me bigger
Shawn: "hey! How are you!?" Hiding his nervousness
Me: "I'm good. How are you?" He nods and we both sit down and he hands me a cup of iced tea. I thank him and we turn silent again
Shawn: "I'm sorry I didn't call you sooner." I look up from my cup and smile
Me: "it's okay. I mean I'm used to it." I shrug while playing with the cup
Shawn: "well you shouldn't be used to it." He looks at me in the most honest look.
Shawn: "the reason why I didn't text you sooner is because- well I like you, and I was nervous that you-"
Me: "what? Didn't like our date?" I see Shawn nod.
I lean over the table and take my finger and lift his head up
Me: "best date I've ever had" his smile gets bigger. His eyes were dark and sad and now they are big and bright.
Shawn: "seriously?" Sounding surprised
Me: "fuck yeah!" Shawn laughs and we continue to talk about random things.
I got my best friend back.
---hope you like it!!!

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