Chapter 54

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A/n hope you like it!!!!!! Also I'm super busy today hense the early post. If I have some more time I may post another chapter later....

Shawn POV
As I'm watching Callie talk to some lady I start to stare at Callie; my heart starts to race and I don't know why.
My stomach is flipped and I don't know why.
I'm watching her just listen to the lady and the sun falls perfectly on her skin to make her look like a glowing goddess.
Her skin has the golden sheen to it and it just makes her look even more beautiful. Was she always this beautiful?
Her eyes are sparkling from the sun showing off her green eyes, you can see little golden specks in them, like you can get lost in them.
As I'm being lost in watching Callie's features I get snapped back to reality
Callie: "so who's going to be at this block party?" She asks putting her hands on her chin.
I take a sip of my tea and swallow it quickly
Me: "who isn't there? Literally everyone is there! I mean there are some people who don't even live on the blocks. It's crazy!"
She looks shocked.
Me: "it goes until like 4am! Its crazy! Fireworks, games you think it they probably have it!" She laughs at my excitement. When I finally decide to ask about her wrist
Me: "okay I'm curious and care about you."
She looks confused
Me: "what did you do to your wrist?" She holds it and I can see fear in her eyes
Me: "hey hey, you don't have to tell me. But at least tell me your okay."
Callie: "I'm okay" I nod and wonder what happened.
I mean I care about her; I don't want anything to happen to her.
Me: "just promise me, if something bad happens to you, you'll tell me?" She looks up through her eyelashes and nods
Me: "I care about you, you know that?" She smiles and nods.
After having breakfast and heading back to her place I start to have that feeling in my stomach again.
We arrive at her house and we part our goodbyes and as she's leaving I honk at her and she jumps and then flips me off
Me: "LOVE YOU TOO!" She laughs and I watch her get inside when I see a text
Callie: "I'm inside. I know how much you worry about that"
I smile at that text and drive off.
--ohh is Shawn catching feelings??

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