Chapter 49

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Callie POV
Lisa: "first of all relax; okay stand kinda sexy, use those long legs you have-" I extend one of my legs and Michelle's jaw drops
Michelle: "okay now wait for my cue." I look confused
Me: "and what's that?" Lisa and Michelle laugh
Lisa: "you'll know when you her it." I roll my eyes a little bit and stand there talking to Lisa and Olivia as Michelle leaves.
About 2 minutes later I hear my name being called.
Lisa gives me a weird look and sips on her drink, that's my cue.
I slowly turn around and my eyes lock with Michelle and she waves to me.
I walk over to her and I see Daniel at the corner of my eye; his arm is around a girl and looking at me.
As I reach Michelle her eyes go wide
Michelle: "he saw you and he looked jealous! He clenched his jaw!!!" I chuckle
Me: "okay enough of him! Let's drink!" Her eyes go wide
Michelle: "I like this new Callie" I laugh and we start to drink
After a couple of drinks I'm dragged to play flip cup.
It's about to be my turn.
Finally it's my turn and as I flip it on the first try.
Olivia: "AHAHA!!!!"
Lisa: "I so got that on your snapchat!" I laugh and look at the video, have to admit I look pretty badass.
After 2 more rounds of flip cup I'm handed a Jell-O shot and once again Lisa is recording.
I make a stank face and Lisa laughed while recording it
Me: "that's so strong!"
Michelle: "please tell me you got that on video." She says while laughing and Lisa just nods because she's laughing too much.
After yet another Jell-O shot I'm dancing while enjoying my time when I see I feel arms around my waist.
Daniel: "ya know you never looked that hot with me" I pull his arms away from me; and he grabs me hard.
Me: "let go of me Daniel! Your hurting me!" He grabs my wrist tighter.
He brings me closer to his body and I push away with a struggle.
I quickly grab the closest drink and throw it on him and quickly push him off of me
Me: "don't ever touch me again!" I shout and search for Lisa with tears going down my eyes.
--ahah honestly Callie is a badass.

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