Chapter 18

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A/n like I said in the last chapter, if you are sensitive please do not read, TRIGGER WARNING, not eating. Hope you like! If you are sensitive please don't worry it doesn't last m longer! Vote and comment!

Callie POV
About a month or so has gone by, and the more the days go by the less I eat and the harder I train and exercise for gymnastics.
Maybe I'll be a better gymnast.
I've lost about 20 pounds and my clothes are loose, my skinny jeans are no longer skinny. My used to be tight homecoming dress is now huge.
I step on the scale 109 pounds for a 5 foot 7 girl.
Finally I'm seeing a little bit of results
Sitting in my room minding my own business when my dad walks in
Dad: "hey! Wanna go get burgers?" I look up from my phone
Me: "uh no I'm okay I had something after practice" I lied
I know my kid, she could eat a stack of pancakes and 5 minutes later you can ask if she wants pizza and she will not hesitate and will definitely say yes.
I've noticed a change in her diet and I've definitely noticed her body.
She looks like she's getting fragile. Too skinny
After she denies my burger date once again I decide to put my foot down
Dad: "okay what is going on Callie?" She looks confused
Dad: "you never eat! And don't say you do, because you don't. You pick at your food and push it around hoping that Terrie and I don't notice. BUT WE DO! Now what the hell is going on?!" I realize that I raised my voice.
Being in military since I was 18 has changed me. And I promised myself to never let the military anger get leashed out in front of my family.
I relax my face and look at her with the big blue, green eyes that we both share.
She opens her mouth and starts to cry
--AHAHA hope you like it! Let me know what you think!!!! Made it a little bit longer!

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