Chapter 25

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Callie POV
After seeing my NEW car I decide to drive to Lisa's.
I get there rather quickly and I call her
Me: "hey! What are you doing right now?"
Lisa: "um nothing! Ice cream run?" I laugh
Me: " yep! I'm outside!" I see her outside her house and she looks confused. I want to wave at her by decide to play a joke on her. She eventually calls her
Lisa: "okay where the hell are you?!" She shouts
Me: "I'm literally in front of you!" I contain my laugh
Lisa: "just honk" she is literally 2 feet away from my car
I press record on snapchat and honk the horn.
She jumps and then screams in excitement
Lisa: "okay who's car did you steal?" She laughs getting in the car
Me: "mine! My "late" birthday present" she screams and takes her phone out to record
Lisa: "NEW CAR WHO DAT!" She screams and I laugh
Me: "ME! It's Callie!" We both laugh
*next day*
I'm sitting down enjoying my cereal while watching my baby sister.
Waiting for Terrie to get done with her shower I hear a knock.
I quickly get the door and see Lisa
Me: "what are you doing here? It's literally 8am!" She laughs and walks in.
Lisa: "okay our concert is tomorrow WE NEED TO LOOK GOOD!" I laugh at her.
Me: "okay nails are your thing. But I'll tag along!" She sighs in disappointment
Lisa: "your loss. Ya know if we see Shawn he will just look at your ugly nails. Come on Callie!" I laugh at her
Me: "right because we will see Shawn at a nail salon!" She laughs
Lisa: "you never know"
---AHAHAHA kinda of a filler chapter!

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