Chapter 89

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A/n is this even good?

Callie POV
After Shawn helping me with my eye I stand up and he looks at me while rubbing his hands up and down my arms.
Shawn: "you okay?" I nod and he kisses me.
Brian: "can I have a girlfriend please?" Shawn laughs and I chuckle.
After being on the boat for a while we go back to the shore and start to do those obstacles.
Shawn: "I'm going to race you; and I'll win!" He looks at me and I look at him in disbelief.
Me: "bullshit your on."
We get to the obstacle and we get in the 'getting ready' position.
Shawn looks at me in awe.
Matt: "go!" I quickly dash to the little stairs and shawn gets there before me, and instead of wasting time I climb on top of him and stand on him with my shoulders.
Shawn lightly pushes me off but laughs.
Jokes on him in now in the lead.
I get through the rest of the obstacle and see the finish line.
I run faster and finish. I slowly wait for Shawn to come through so I can scare him.
After about 20 seconds he comes through and I jump on him, my legs wrapped around his his and he falls over.
Me: "I won!" I say while kissing him.
Shawn smiles at me and I get off of him and help him up.
Me: "told you I would win" he look back at him.
He brings me closer to his body and kisses the side of my head.
We start walking around the lake and see Matt running up to us.
Matt: "chicken?"  I look up at shawn and see this big grin.
Shawn: "your on" we soon get in the water and I'm in front of Shawn and some guy is telling us the rules.
Guy: "okay ladies up"
I turn around and see Shawn goes under my legs so that my thighs are on his shoulders.
Matt: "ready to lose" shawn laughs and looks up and I feel like I'm going to fall.
Me: "stop don't drop me" shawn laughs and kisses the side of my knee.
Shawn: "I would never drop you." He wraps his around around my legs so he had a better hold and someone quickly takes a picture of us.
Guy: "anddddddd CHICKEN!"
-lowkey poop.

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