Chapter 124

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A/n how you don't mind the SUPER early and not posted on a weekend. Well surprise how you like it. ❤

Shawn POV
I sit at a farm style table with a warm cup of tea in my hands hitting the mug with my silver ring on my finger.
I look up and see Callie's past nanny looking at me admirably.
Maggie: "you love her don't you?" She says in a mumble.
I smile and nod.
Me: "I do love her. Don't think I've ever loved anyone more" A smile comes across face and she reaches across the table and grabs my hand.
Maggie: "don't let that girl go. She may be stubborn as hell, and really get under your buttons. But she loves just as much as she is stubborn" I chuckle and nod my head
Me: "she is stubborn, but she goes after what she wants. Truly love that about her" Maggie looks down at her mug and let's out a sigh
Maggie: "she didn't want to come did she?" I look up and shake my head from side to side.
Me: "I wanted her to from the beginning. I was in the wrong and pushed her to the edge."
Maggie: "you almost lost her didn't you?" I nod my head disappointedly
Me: "that killed me. We didn't talk for weeks. I lost her for a moment." Maggie grabs my hand again and squeezes it
Maggie: "you never will. My grandma always told me if you truly love someone you can't stand to be away from them" I smile
Me: "that explains a lot" She sits back in her chair and points at me
Maggie: "grandma Mae doesn't lie!" I chuckle a little
Maggie: "so how did you and miss Callie meet?" I smile at the memory of meeting her and lean forward
Me: "well we truly met outside a store she was walking out of" Maggie look confused and I chuckle
Me: "we met; I'm a singer so I'm used to the crazy fans, but no Callie was just calm and she-"
Maggie: "took a picture up here" Pointing to the side of her head. I smile and nod.
Me: "but I was amazed at what she did and mentioned it at my concert and then she dmed me" I chuckle.
Maggie: "did she do what my grandson call, slide in your dms?" My eyes go wide and I laugh extremely loud.
Me: "something like that"
--hope you liked it!!!!!

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