Chapter 28

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A/n hope you like it!!!!! Vote and comment!!!!!

Callie POV
Today is the day, I go to the concert.
So excited can't believe I'm going to see the person that I sing my lungs out to in my car.
Lisa and I get ready, her taking much longer than me, as I opted for the jeans and t-shirt look with my always straight hair because I hate my natural curt hair, simple makeup because I know I will sweat it off with my favorite converse.
While Lisa well she literally looks like she is going to the Grammy's after party
Me: "Lisa why the hell are you being so extra?" She looks at me at she curls the last strand of hair
Lisa: "I swear if Shawn meets us i want to look good. Girl you look like your going to school! You should change to something sexy"
Me: "okay well ya girl doesn't have anything like that" Lisa looks disappointed
Lisa: "okay well when we go to Jackson's party I'm bringing you something" I roll my eyes at her
Me: "okay fine! But if we want to get to the concert early we have to leave now" she fixes her eyeliner and we walk out the door when my dad stops me
Dad: "there are 2 types of people at a concert." Lisa and I look confused but then I laugh
Dad: "there's Callie; the smart casual one. Then there is Lisa who well is too over the top and thinks she's in some type of movie" I hysterically laugh and Lisa looks annoyed
Lisa: "well both of you are just negative nancies"
My dad and I both laugh
Dad: "alright have fun! Oh here use my veteran sticker so you can get a good spot!" I laugh and grab the sticker.
I get in my car and Lisa and I both start jamming to Shawn music
--ahaha sorry if this is boring. Hopefully it will get better!

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