Chapter 102

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Callie POV.
Shawn drives me home. He's gripping the steering wheel so tight his knuckles are white. He stares at the road ahead not even looking at me.
He stops across the street from my house and doesn't open my door like he normally does.
I'm about to open the door when he locks the door. I look back at him sharply
Me: "unlock the door" he looks at the road ahead I can see his eyes are dark brown. I've never seen his eyes that dark before.
Shawn: "I just have one question" holding up his pointer finger.
I settle back into my seat and let out a sigh. My eyes go wide so he gets the hint to ask what he wants to ask.
Shawn: "do you even-" he hesitates. Looking like he's going to regret it.
Shawn: "love me?" He asks in a whisper.
I look at him in disgust.
Me: "are you fucking serious Shawn? Really?" I look at him and he throws his hands in the air.
Shawn: "well I dont know. Some girls just say it to get-" he stops not continuing what he's going to say
Me: "what? sex? If I remember properly YOU SAID IT FIRST!" He let out a sign and rolls his eyes.
Me: "IM NOT A WHORE SHAWN. unlock the fucking door." I'm even more angry than I thought.
He just sits there.
Me: "Oh my fucking God!" I reach over and unlock the door.
Me: "was it THAT hard?" I get out of his car and slam the door. I walk in the door and see Terrie and my dad sitting on the couch.
Me: "talk to him you said. Pretend like nothing happened you said. Have lunch you said." Walking upstairs and entering my room and slam my door. I pace back in forth when I hear my door open.
Me: "I really don't want to be around males right now." Clenching my jaw.
Dad: "TERRIE I NEED YOU NOW!" he says his head is peaking out if my room.
Terrie: "I told you to leave her alone!" I see her body in the door frame and my breathing gets heavy, not like I'm angry but like I cant breathe I'm going to pass out.
Terrie: "Callie honey? Are you okay?" I shake my head.
Terrie: "okay sit down. Come on" moving me to my desk chair.
--imagine a panic attack.... I was going to continue describing a panic attack but I know some people who unfortunately from suffer from panic attacks and when they read about it, it causes them to have a panic attack. So I don't want that. Hope you like it. ❤

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