Chapter 44

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Shawn POV
After my day with the boys I decide to that since I'm home for about 2-3 months I should just relax.
I'm sitting on the couch with Aaliyah while scrolling though Twitter when I see a tweet from someone I don't know but look up ever so slightly and see "Callie.Reese99 retweeted" I decide to look at the video
It looks like Callie in a boxing ring; she looks fucking insane
Before I like the tweet I make sure that the girl is private, which she is and like the tweet captioned "SHES A BEAST!" I decide to send it and send it to Callie
Me: "So this is what you do at the gym." I press send and see my mum join me on the couch
Mum: "so happy your home for a couple of months." She says while watching a movie.
Aaliyah: "yeah I finally have my chauffeur back" I let out a loud laugh and look at her
Me: "yeah right okay" my dads comes over with a bucket of popcorn for us to share.
Dad: "Karen your forgetting that he's mov-"
Mum: "shhh! My baby isn't moving. No. Nope" she looks at me and we both laugh
Me: "mum I told you; I'll FaceTime you when I make dinner every night."
Mum: "even if you have a girlfriend?" I let out a weak chuckle
Me: "yes mum even if I have a girlfriend" as I said that I very quietly hear
Mum: "the hell was that?"
Me: "a friend sorry"
Aaliyah: "yeah a friend that sounded like a girl!"
I quickly look at my phone knowing that it's Callie and see her text
Callie: "guess you have some competition" I laugh at her text
Me: "absolutely not." I instantly see she is texting me back
Callie: "sorry I haven't been able to text you sooner. My friend wanted to be a tourist and have no distractions, so I left my phone home" I laugh and imagine her going insane without her phone
Me: "you without a phone. Now that's something id love to see"
Callie: "ha ha! Very funny but I'm sorry"
Me: "don't sweat it! But when she's gone I'm taking you to my daily tims run!"
Callie: "I missed those tbh"
--trying to make them longer again!

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