Chapter 72

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A/n hope you like it. I don't really like it. But I usually don't like my own work so this isn't new.

Shawn POV
After going to the food fair with Callie we sit in my car outiside of her house and she holds my hand.
Callie: "I don't want to leave" she says while placing her head on the head rest.
I squeeze her hand tighter and she looks at me.
Me: "hmm let's go somewhere" she opens her eyes and looks confused.
Callie: "trust me I want to." I take my hand from hers and she looks a little bit sad, but I place my hand on her cheek, and stoke her cheek and kiss her passionatly.
Callie: "fireworks" I smile at her widely
Me: "kaboom?" She looks at me and smiles.
Callie: "kaboom" she states and kisses me.
We stare at each other for a while, feeling time go by slow.
After she leaves my car she heads in the house and see a text from her
Callie: "I'm home ❤" I smile
Me: "good ❤" I quickly drive home with a big smile on my face.
I walk in the house and see my mum staring at me.
Mum: "well someone is happy" I smile and nod my head quickly
Aaliyah: "why are you looking like a bobble head?" I give my sister the middle finger and she sticks out her tounge.
Mum: "well she must be special, because-"
Dad: "cause he's a weird kid" I smile stupidly and sarcastically laugh
Me: "gotta love family" I start to walk up to my room when aaliyah chases in front of me
Aaliyah: "what's her name?" I look down at her and smile
Me: "Callie" my smile gets bigger
Aaliyah: "she better be special with a stupid grin like that" I laugh
Aaliyah: "just saying, she hurts you like you know who, I get first dibs" I look confused
Me: "first dibs on what?" She turns around and scans my appearance
Aaliyah: "of she does what the person we don't talk about did I get to hurt her first" I smile and laugh really loud
Me: "she won't hurt me" aaliyah and I both go into our room and I lay on my bed and have a huge smile while thinking of Callie.
-eh don't like this really.

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