Chapter 109

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A/n!!!!  HEY!  I need your help!!! I will be doing a fan fiction ONLY on here!!!!  But I need some ideas. I was thinking maybe do like am athlete Shawn like him in University, but I'm not sure. So this is up to you guys.
Tell me your ideas,  that could even be what you want the characters name to be try to give a reason (please don't say "it's my name") But yeah some ideas for a plot would be AMAZING!!!!

Shawn POV
We stayed in each other's arms. Time didn't stop, but we did. We didn't care where we were.
I stroke Callie's hair while occasionally kissing the top of her head and swaying.
Me: "hey" I whisper and kiss her head again. She looks up at me and smiles.
Shawn: "wanna go inside?" She groans and places her head back in my chest and her grip gets a little bit tighter, but not as tight as my hold.
Me: "then let's go somewhere. Just you and me. No one else." She looks up with her big green puffy eyes.
Callie: "just me and you?" I nod my head and kiss her nose
Me: "just me and you" she leans back a little my arms still around her waist
Callie: "I want to go to the field where our first date was."
My mouth forms a huge smile and nod my head.
Me: "Chinese or pizza?" She looks at me in thought and shrugs her shoulders.
Callie: "I don't care. I just don't want to be around anyone except you." I let out a chuckle and kiss her lips sweetly.
Me: "don't take this wrong, but my lips not on yours felt like forever." She smiles shyly and leans up and kisses me again.
Callie: "okay I know I said it's your choice of food, but like I want pizza" I let out a chuckle and soon hear her little chuckle and a smile forms knowing that's she's a little but happier.
I bring her into the side of me and we walk to the Jeep and kiss the side of her face
Me: "that's my girl" I walk her over to the passenger side of the car open the door for her.
She stares at it and looks confused
Callie: "where are the stepper things?" I let out a loud laugh
Me: "I had to take them off and order new ones." She pouts but I quickly grab her and place her in the car.
Callie: "I'm 5'5" and that shit is hard" she let's out a little chuckle and I close her door and jog to my side.
I smoothly get in and gives me a glare of envy.
Me: "you know you loved being picked up" she gives in and smiles.
Callie: "yeah by you" I smile and I grab her hand and interlace mine and kiss her hand.
---is this even cute?

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