Chapter 108

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A/n hello!!!! So I now have a schedule for my posting!!!!!  I will be posting EVERY Friday, Saturday AND Sunday. I will be posting on Monday only because I don't have school.
If I don't post the days that I said it's because something came up. But I now have a schedule!!!!  Hope you enjoy reading. Feedback is greatly appreciated!!!

Shawn POV
We sit on the curb her head in between her legs and for me, well I'm shaking my leg and my heart is beating so loud I feel like she can hear it.
Me: "how have you been?-" I look up from her and see her nod her head "-please don't lie. Don't shut me out."
Callie: "horrible" she says extremely low, I can barley hear it.
I can hear the hurt in her voice. Is the hurt from us, or her mom. Her green eyes look so sad it makes me want to just hug the crap out of her.
Me: "callie I'm here for you. Always. I'm not going to leave because you have your past. That's your past. It makes you who you are. Im so sorry for hurting you. I said I would hurt you, and here I am with the promise I broke to you. But know that I didn't mean to. The last thing I ever want to do is hurt you. Callie I love you til the end of time. I will love you even if you hate me. Callie I love you. If you want me to stay I will stay and never leave, but if you want me to leave I will leave" as soon as I say the last word she looks up in fear.
Callie: "please don't leave. You're the only one that has some faith in me. I'm sorry for pushing you away. Thats what I do when things get too hard. I run and push. I'm sorry" tears running down her face and scooting closer to her and hugging her. Her face is in her hands and I move in front if her and hold her knees and sweetly kiss her hand.
I hold her hands and bring her up with me.
Me: "I love you. Forever. And always" I kiss her head and she buries her face in my chest and we just hold each other tightly
-heyyyy okay so there has been some confusion. This is Shawn's POV of the talk. I changed what happened just so it wasn't repeated. If you reread chapter 106 you will know they DID NOT break up. This is just Shawn's POV. And like I said I made the talk a little bit more cute.

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