Chapter 45

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A/n really hope that this isn't crap.

Callie POV
About a week later my friend, Grace finally left and we both were extremely sad
Grace: "I'm going to miss you." She hugs me tightly and I told her even tighter
Me: "well come back!!! " she nods and she starts to leave but comes back quickly
Grace: "whether he's a friend or more; don't push him away. He must be somewhat special since your eating and looking AMAZBALLS!" I laugh at the end and push her playfully
Me: "go. Your going to miss your flight" we laugh and I watch her figure get smaller and smaller as she walks further and further away from me.
I'm snapped out of my imagination when I get a call
Shawn: "YOU. ME. TIMS!" He shouts and I laugh
Me: "alright. alright ill be there!" He shouts but not in the phone, as if he's screaming in the street.
As I finally make it to tims, I rush out of my car and into the coffee store;
There I see Shawn sitting with 2 coffees waiting patiently
Me: "seriously I hate driving to the airport" he lets out a chuckle and quickly hands me a hot cup of coffee
Me: "what is this?" Only taking a small sip of what tasted like tea
Shawn: "yea, you seemed stressed." I smile weakly at his actions
Shawn: "wait since when done you like tea?" Looking at me in shock
Me: "chill your tits, I still LOVE tea but what is this?" He quickly takes a sip of his drink, which is probably also tea
Shawn: "peppermint tea. They didn't have camomile; which is crazy so I went with the next best thing, do you like it?"
Me: "mmh yeah it's good, but at first it was literally horrible" he laughs at me, and hands me his cup of tea
Shawn: "hear try this. It's green tea" I hesitantly take his cup but quickly take a sip of tea.
Shawn: "OH! What are you doing in July?" I choke on the date hearing how far away it is
Me: "it's like 2 months away!" He laughs at my face
Shawn: "I know but Canada day block party? Wanna come?" I nod
Me: "yeah I mean why not"
After talking and catching up on random things I realize that Shawn Mendes is truly my best friend.
--I feel like this sucks.

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