Chapter 121

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A/n HEY! Super sorry for the lack of updates. Been super busy. Hope you like it.

Callie POV
I sit in the car shaking my leg out of nervous habit and look at the house. It's white. It's big. Not a normal suburban Canadian home.
I bite my lip again, another nervous habit and glance over at Shawn looking at me.
Shawn: "you don't have to you know?"  He looks at me with sorrow in his eyes the.
I shrug and walk up to the house and immediately knock on the door. I see a lady in her 60's and give her a weak smile.
Lady: "oh my. Callie. Sweetie it's good to see you" I smile weakly not knowing who she is.
Lady: "oh gosh you probably don't remember me. I'm Maggie" My eyes go wide and flashbacks rush through me.
*13 years ago*
Me: "MAGGIE MAGGIE COME LOOK" pointing at the butterfly on the bench.
She rushes over with a camera and takes a picture quickly before it flew away
Me: "why did it fly away?" Looking at her with my big sad green eyes
Maggie: "that's what happens when babies go up. They leave to do bigger and better things"
*end of flashback*
Me: "maggie? As in my maggie?" She nods and grins at the same time. I feel Shawn's grip on my shoulder get a big tighter and I feel his breath on my neck
Shawn: "who's maggie?" I look up and smile
Me: "she was my nanny. My best friend" I look back at Maggie and smile.
Maggie: "what brings you here?" My smile soon becomes a confused look.
Me: "A lady, Miss Smith called me and told me my mother wanted to see me. Is this not the address?" Maggies face soon falls to sorrow.
Maggie: "come inside dear" She ushers Shawn and I in and we sit at this big table serving us tea.
Maggie: "sweetie upstairs and first door on your left" I nod my head slowly and walk up the familiar steps.
I come to the outside of the door my hand hovering over the doorknob and debate whether I should go in.
I finally open the door and only see a normal room set up, when I see a desk and a laptop ontop.
I walk to the desk and sit down in the chair and read the title of what the laptop says "for my love, callie"
----this is coming to an end. Hope you're not too sad. Love you guys for the endless support. ❤

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