Chapter 24

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A/n I forgot to post this yesterday....sorry! But today I'm posting a couple of chapters today just because I feel like it's getting a little bit boring.

Callie POV
Once I get in the house I see Terrie in the kitchen cleaning up
Dad: "we're home!" My dad shouts and Terrie practically runs out of the kitchen to see me.
She hugs me and kisses my head
Already I'm extremely confused, yes I get loved at home all the time actually; but Terrie loves the kitchen, Channing Tatum could walk through the door and she could be in the kitchen and she won't leave.
So I knew something was up.
Me: "did I do something wrong?" I ask kind hesitantly.
She looks at my dad and they both laugh
Dad: "what did you get for your 18th birthday?" I look at him
Me: "um, you said I could drink even though the legal age is 19-" he covers my mouth with his hand
Terrie: "JUSTIN!" He laughs dropping his hand from my mouth
Dad: "and..."
Me: "um I got money. I'm so so confused" I was then handed a little Tiffany and Co. box
Me: "what is this?!" I say taking the box
Terrie: "consider it a late birthday present. And we're very proud of you"
Dad: "i mainly got it because your getting your body back. I'm really proud. I promised myself that when you make me really really proud i would buy it, I mean you always make me proud but-just open the damn box"
I open the box and see it
Car keys
Not old ones, new ones
Me: "WHAT THE HECK!" I shout and jump on my dad
Dad: "well you said you wanted a jeep" he laughed and hugged me tightly
Me: "wait so that's my car out there!" He shrugs his shoulders
Dad: "don't know go look!" I practically run outside and open the car with my keys.
Me: "OH MY GOD! My own jeep!" Terrie: "2015 Jeep Patriot. Enjoy it!"

--ahaha hope you like it! Also I love jeeps. And no it's not because of Shawn, I just love jeeps!

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