Chapter 78

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A/n I personally think this is boring but you will all yell at me,  so I'll just pretend I didn't say anything

Callie POV
After getting ready I come into my room and hear a weak giggle coming from my sisters room
Shawn: "who is that?" I laugh as he looks completely confused and I pull his hand to my sisters room closer to my dad and Terries room.
I walk intoy sisters room and she starts to laugh more
Sydney: "Callie" she says in her 5 year old voice.
Jenna: "CALLIE!" I flinch at the scream and hear running coming closer
Terrie: "Jenna,  Sydney!  Callie is still- oh your up" looking startled.
I nod and she sees Shawn.
Terrie: "wow you got her up!  That's an accomplish in its own." Shawn laughs and I look at her with a shocked look
Terrie: "oh please don't give me that look,  Callie you were late to Mr. Hennings class!" I hold my hands up I'm defense and see Shawn laugh
Me: "alright you caught me." I say while grabbing Jenna.
Terrie: "well now that your up,  can you watch them? I need to go to the store?" I let out a sigh and nod.
Me: "wait where's dad?" She starts to walk down the stairs when she looks back at me and grabs her purse
Terrie: "oh he's at the base... Again. you and Shawn can help yourself" raising her brows and I look behind me and see Shawn holding onto Sydney while she goes down the stairs one step at a time.
I smile at how Sydney is attatched to Shawn since she is relatively shy.
Terrie: "wow,  she's holding on to someone elses hand beside Callie's." I smile wide and look at Sydney like I'm hurt
Sydney: "its okay,  don't cry. I'm still your twin" she says in a little baby voice. I laugh and look at Jenna who looks unbothered. Jenna and Sydney both say bye to Terrie and Shawn looks at me funny.
Me: "what?" Giving him a funny look
Shawn: "nothing" kissing me sweetly.
After pulling away Shawn lightly pats my bum and I look at him shocked
Me: "not around them" pointing to the twins. He puts his hands up in defense
10 minutes later Sydney slaps my bum and I hold it and shawn comes around and hugs me
Shawn: "and you didn't want them to see,  but I guess they did" I laugh and kiss him before going to chase after Sydney.
-kinda shit.

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