Chapter 56

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A/n hope you like it!!!!! Read the authors note at the bottom too!!!!

Shawn POV
I'm at Callie's house and once again I feel the same butterflies coming back and I just want to back home and pretend like nothing happened, when I get a text
Aaliyah: "you got this! I know your nervous! Just ask her your whimp!"
I laugh at her text and quickly text her
Me: "alright alright!!! How did you know i was nervous?"
Aaliyah: "your my brother; i know things"
Me: "alright Ill see you later" I quickly send it and have the courage to walk up to her door.
Some lady that I assume is her mom answers and I ask for Callie.
Callie's mom: "Callie honey someone is here for you. Make it quick. You need to eat" I hear her say to Callie and she nods and comes to the door quickly
Callie: "hey! What's up?" She seems surprised
Me: "hey! Uh-what's-what's up?"
Callie: "nothing. You okay?" She steps out of her house and closes the door
Me: "yeah-I-um have a question" her eyes go wide waiting for me to ask her.
Me: "would-would you like to go on a date? With me?"
Her eyes go even wider
Callie: "yeah let me go get my shoes" she's about to leave but I stop her
Me: "not that kind of date." She smiles at me and I scratch the back to my neck
Callie: "is Shawn Mendes asking his best friend on a date? Like a not so friend date?" She seems like she's joking but I look up at her from my lashes and nod nervously.
Me: "you don't have to- I just-"
Callie: "when?" My head looks up at her and my eyes go wide
Me: "um tomorrow? At 7?"
She nods and rocks her feet back and forth and smiles like a little girl
Callie: "okay" she smiles so wide and puts a strand of hair behind her ear.
Me: "see you tomorrow at 7." She starts to walk back into her house
Me: "wait- do you like Chinese?" She smiles and nods her head and then closes the door. I start to walk back to my car with the biggest smile on my face.
--A/n I wonder what there date will be like! Tell me what you think they will do and how it will go!!!

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