Chapter 68

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A/n hope you like it!!!!!! Feedback is greatly appreciated!!!!!

Shawn POV
He hurt her. I was in range I don't know if it's from the alcohol or just my protective side coming over me.
I punch him and he punches me.
At the corner of my eye I see Callie.
And the next thing I know I see Daniel slap her cheek and see her run away, I look to follow her, but I stare at Daniel with this look.
I lunge at him and push him, he falls back and I go look frantically for Callie.
I finally see her sitting on the curb holding her cheek, waiting for someone.
I walk up to her in shame, and she walks up to me clearly pissed
Callie: "don't ever do that again! I can handle myself!" She shouts.
I nod my head and I try to speak
Callie: "I can't lose you" her voice changes, it was loud and mad, and now its calm and weak.
I look up at her, she looks so sad.
I bring her to my chest and hold her tight.
Me: "I'm sorry. So sorry" I rub her back sofly
I pull her from the hug to look at her, I examine her cheek
Me: "does it hurt?" She shakes her head no, but deep down inside I know it must hurt, but don't argue with her.
Me: "I promise that I will never let anyone, including myself hurt you, EVER!" She puts her face in my chest breathes in then looks at me
Callie: "don't make promises you can't keep" she says it so sad. I could tell people must have made promises and left her life. But thats not me.
Me: "I don't break promises" I give her a reassuring smile and I lean in and kiss her. She kisses me. We stand there with all commotion going around, and we kiss each other. Pretending as if nothing else mattered.
Boom! Crack! Pop!
Callie jumps and looks up at the sky and sees the fireworks. I look up watching the fireworks, then I bring my focus back to Callie.
Callie: "so every time I kiss you, fireworks will happen?" I chuckle
Me: "there weren't fireworks when you kissed me before" she smiles
Callie: "maybe not up there" pointing to the sky "-but in here" pointing to her head. I nod and kiss her again.
Me: "and I thought I was the only one" I kiss her again.
--was this even good?

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