Chapter 84

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A/n haven't had WiFi for several days (almost died Lol) but I'm back. I will probably post 2 chapters today just cause.

Callie POV
I wake up rather early so I can say goodbye to my parents.
Dad: "bye sweetie. See you Sunday!" I nod and help him load the car.
As I get another bag I see Terrie coming out of the house.
Terrie: "Callie come here I need" I pat my dads shoulder
Me: "have fun doing this" and I run to the house
Dad: "oh come on! Jesus Christ. Mother fucker"
I walk in and Terrie peeks her head out the screen door.
Terrie: "what did you say?" Even though she heard every word.
Dad: "nothing" Terrie and I both laugh and walk to the kitchen
Me: "whatcha need?" She points to the chair and I look confused.
Terrie: "sit" I sit down and she looks at me.
Terrie: "do NOT let what your dad said bother you." I nod my head and she holds my face.
Terrie: "if it REALLY bothers you, which it shouldn't confront Shawn. But Callie don't let it bother you. Your dad barley knows how to boil water let alone give you guy advice" I laugh and she let's go of my face.
Terrie: "so don't let your dad stupid words ruin what you and Shawn have" I nod my head and she pats my knees
Terrie: "okay now help me with that" pointing to the cooler that has snacks and waters in them.
I follow her out to the car and hand her the cooler and she looks at me and I nod. she smiles and kisses my head.
Me: "have a fun 5 hour drive" I wave smiling,  my dad looks back at me and flips me off jokingly.
As soon as they all get in the car I get a call from Shawn.
Shawn: "what are you doing today?" I wave to my parents while still on the phone.
Me: "today? Nothing I think. Why?" I hear a chuckle from Shawn
Shawn: "some people invited me and you to the lake. Wanna go?"
Me: "you AND me?"
Shawn: "yes. Your famous now. What do you say?" I think about it. People seeing me in a bathing suit and my mind goes blank,  and my mouth just speaks for me.
Me: "yeah sure! When are we going?"
Shawn: "well I'm coming over now" as  soon as he says that I see Shawn's car.
---lake day?

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