Chapter 8

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Shawn POV
It's been about a month of touring and I absolutely love it! It makes me so happy! Laur calls me all day everyday and at this point I want to tell her to stop but I can't, I love her too much. I can't hurt her. I can barley tell my mum I don't like the food that she cooked let alone telling my girlfriend to not call me.
Being on tour comes with its pros and cons, pro; meeting all of my fans it's so great puts a smile on my face. Con; Laur seeing the pictures and assuming I'm cheating. I mean she sees girls touching my hair, holding my hand for pictures etc. I guess I can see why she calls me all pissed off
I'm eating lunch when I get a call from Laur, I accept it
Me: "hey-"
Laur: "who the hell are these girls? And why are they touching you?" She says and I chuckle but she doesn't seem happy at all. I put my sandwich down and leave the table.
Me: "Laur, they are fans...that's it!" She lets out a annoyed sigh
Laur: "I don't care Shawn, your mine!" I start to rub my temples
Me: "Laur! I'm not cheating! How many times do I have to tell you!"
Laur: "okay but, they keep man handling. You need to tell them off!!" As she says that I think she's crazy. I love my fans. I can't do that. It would break them.
Me: "I'm not telling my and off! They are doing nothing wrong! They just want a picture! alright babe I gotta go! I'll call you after the show!" I hang up and put my face in my hands and let out a sigh.
--did I just make you hate this fanfic? I hope you still like this!

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