Chaper 33

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Callie POV
As I'm walking to my car after the gym, when I get a text
Shawn: "what are you doing right this minute?" I laugh
Me: "um getting in my car why??"
Shawn: "would you like to join me at the diner on Clark street"
Me: "sure! I'm kinda sweaty tho"
Shawn: "why?!"
Me: "gym. Rise and grind lol"
Shawn: "totally don't mind because I just came from the gym too!"
I quickly drive to the diner and park. I automatically see a Jeep Wrangler and know it's Shawn's.
I get out of my car and see Shawn waiting
Me: "hi!" I wave and Shawn brings me in for a big hug
Shawn: "SWEATY HUG!" I laugh and hug him back
We enter the diner and immediately start to talk
Shawn: "so...since this is our first official time sitting down and taking let's get to know each other"
I nod and take a sip of my water
Me: "cool! I'm down." As I'm about to ask a question I'm interrupted
Shawn: "I don't mean to interrupt but I need to know one- no two things" holding the number 2 up.
I nod
Shawn: "do you like tomatoes and do you like muffins?" I laugh
Me: "no and yes." He looks at me confused
Me: "fuck yes to the muffins! And hell no to the tomatoes!" He laughs
Shawn: "new best friend!" Giving me a high five.
--sorry if this is boring! Next chapter will be Shawn POV

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