Chapter 60

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A/n hope you like it!!!!!! Hope it's what you expected!!!!!

Callie POV
Sitting on the roof of someone's car while watching the stars...sounds like a movie right? Well it's not; it's happening to me; of all people.
Shawn: "oh look!-" pointing at one of the stars "-Orion's belt!" I look and smile.
It starts to get a little chilly and I wish I didn't leave my jacket in Shawn's car. I start to get up and get my jacket when Shawn stops me
Shawn: "what's wrong?" He looks concerned. I laugh at his actions
Me: "I'm just getting my jacket." I chuckle and Shawn pulls me back a little bit
Shawn: "here take mine" taking off his jacket and handing to me.
I shyly take his jacket and put it on what looks like a small frame compared to his.
I lay back down, arms by my side and I feel Shawn's warm hand by mine. I stroke my finger on his and he does the same, playing a finger game.
I grab his hand and interlock our hands feeling instantly warm.
We both look at each other and smile.
Shawn: "hi." He whispers
Me: "hiya!" I chuckle.
We continue to look at each other and then I start to feel my cheeks getting hot; so I turn back to watch the stars.
I gaze at the stars and see a shooting star.
Shawn: "Callie?" I look at him
"Make a wish" he whispers and with that he leans into me and kisses me sweetly. No make out session, a sweet innocent kiss.
How can something so little feel so big to your heart?
We look at each other and we stare at each other, and go back to watching the stars some some more.
Finally it's around midnight and we head back home, the car ride is awkward.
After getting to my house he quickly runs to my side of the door and opens it for me.
We get to my front door and stand there once again; awkward.
I rock on my feet back and forth
Me: "thanks for the night." He smiles shyly "-I'm serious! Probably the best." His smile gets bigger.
Me: "see youuuu???"
Shawn: "yeah I'll see you." Not sounding very excited.
--AHAHA so here is the 2nd chapter today!!!! Hope you like it!!! Tried to make it very sweet and innocent

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