Chapter 69

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A/n hope you like it!!!!!

Callie POV
After the Canada day block party Shawn is driving me home with our hands interlocked.
We jam in the car just like we always do when we get to my house.
Shawn: "I'll see you later?" I smile and put my hand on his cheek and Peck his lips
Me: "definitely" a smile forms on his face and pecks my lips.
We get out of the car and I hug Shawn tightly; he rubs my back up and down and hugs me tighter.
Finally after about 5 minutes of just standing in each others arms I look up at him with my chin on his chest and he looks down at me.
Shawn: "tomorrow?" I form a smile on my face and nod my head. He smiles at me and kisses the tip of my nose.
I scrunch at the contact and he giggles.
Me: "I'll see tomorrow!" He nods and watches me get in the house.
I get in the house, and go straight to my room.
I look at myself in the mirror and take my makeup off  and quickly change into more comfy clothes and practically jump into bed and as soon as my head hits the pillow I fall asleep.
I wake up quite slowly and stretch my arms and legs and look up at the ceiling and remember what happened last night.
I kissed Shawn, Shawn kissed me. We kissed.
I smile like a dork and check my phone.
After a while I dedide to head downstairs and see Terrie making breakfast
Terrie: "hey! Good morning sleepy head, how was the block party?" She asks while I take a seat at the island with bar stools.
Me: "it was good. Really fun!" I say rather happy. Terrie turns her head while smiling and then her face changes
Terrie: "HONEY! what happened to your cheek?" Rushing to me as if I was bleeding to death.
Me: "oh! Yeah that!" Terrie runs to the fridge and gets ice.
Terrie: "what happened?!" I wince at as the ice hits my cheek
Me: "well. Let's just say that Daniel was there. And well...." I try to finish my sentence when my dad comes in
Terrie: "tell me later, cause we all know what will happen if this pin head hears!" Pointing to my dad with his headphones in.
--don't really like this, but y'all probably will.

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