Chapter 105

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A/n IT'S FINALLY HERE!!!  Hope you like it. Feedback is appreciated

Callie POV
It's been several hours of crying and hating myself for pushing shawn away.
God I hate myself, how could I do that.  After Terrie helped me and say with me while I cried and shouted "why" several times. I wiped my makeup off so that I wasn't crying black tears.
I sat on my bed seriously debating between what to do; do I go to Shawn's and tell him I'm sorry, do I visit my mom without shawn. Ideas come through my head left and right and I get frustrated and let out a sigh.
Me: "fuck it. I'm going to talk to him" terrie looks shocked
Terrie: "are you sure? Do you wanna clean up a little? Wait til youre not so puffy?" I shake my head no
Me: "I'm just going to go. I love him and sitting here wondering what to do is more time lost where I could talk to him" she nods her head and smiles.
Terrie: "there she is. I thought I lost you back there. I thought you were going to give up" I let out a chuckle and go up and hug her.
She squeezes me tightly and kisses my head.
Terrie: "Don't let that amazing guy leave. He made you smile. And not like a fake happy smile. I mean a REAL smile. Not only did a smile form on your mouth, or even your eyes, BUT your heart smiled too. So go get him" ushering her head to my door. I bite the bottom of my lip and grab my keys and head towards the door.
I swing open the door and see a tall figure turn around, I stop in my tracks and practically choke on air.
Me: "hi" I say shyly. He puts his hands in his black jeans and looks down at the ground.
Shawn: "can we talk?" He looks up slightly and he looks like he was crying. My heart breaks knowing that I did that.
I nod my head and his eyes slightly turn a brighter brown.
I step outside with him and we sit on the curb.
---as many of you know I'm now in University, hence why I haven't been updating a ton. BUT here I am giving you a chapter. Also I may also update tomorrow or Sunday, not sure. Hope you can forgive me!

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