Chapter 107

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A/n will DEFINITELY be uploading some chapters this weekend!!!!  Who's excited????

Shawn POV
I paced my room, my heart beating out of my chest
I sit down on my bed and let out a sigh. I run my hands through my hair and my head in between my legs
I get up and let out a sigh, I grab my keys and swing open my door to see Aaliyah. She stops me from moving.
Aaliyah: "I know you hate ease dropping. BUT go get her. I don't know who she is, but I like her." I smile
Me: "that's what I was going to do" I stand there awkwardly with Aaliyah 
Aaliyah: "go! Leave! Mister steal yo girl" I look back and look utterly confused
Me: "what?" We both laugh and she shrugs her shoulders.
Aaliyah: "it kinda sounded better in my head" she laughs and I leave the house.
I practically speed to her house thinking if more time passes I will die.
I finally get to her house and sit there wondering what to say.
After around 10 minutes of just sitting in my car I get to her door and I'm about to knock when I hesitate and put my hands in my pocket and try to think of something.
Me: "fuck that sounds stupid" I then hear the door open and turn around.
There she is, the person that I love, but also hurt. The person who hopefully still loves me.
Me: "hi" she says shyly, and blushes a little.
God she looked so cute acting all shy.
My hands are still in my pocket and look down and take a deep breath 'shawn you got this' ran through my mind.
Shawn: "can we talk. Please" I sounded like I was begging but I didn't care.
I was more nervous of her response than me being on stage.
She made me nervous that she wanted to break up, that she wanted to just no talk and pretend we never happened .
The rapid beating of my heart came back. It felt like forever until she responded.
She opens her mouth and nods her head slowly and we sit on the curb.
---hey! So I'm going to change a little bit of there talk so it's not repeating. Hope you like it!!!!

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