Chapter 53

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A/n hope you like it!!!!! Hope it's not bad.

Callie POV
I hop in Shawn's car and he has a smirky smile on his face
Me: "what?" He let's out a chuckle
Shawn: "never thought of you as someone who drinks."
I cross my arms
Me: "I'm sorry mr. Mendes but I'm 18 I can do what I want" we both look at each other and burst out laughing.
Shawn: "do you have a hangover?"
Me: "no. I mean I have a headache but it's not bad"
Shawn looks shocked
Me: "okay seriously where are we going? I'm hungry!"
Shawn: "easy young grasshopper; we will be there soon." Putting his hands together and bows his head down while we are stopped at a red light.
Me: "weirdo"
Soon enough we get to the restaurant and get seated rather quickly. We are just talking and laughing catching up even though we saw each other the other day.
The lady across from us keeps looking at Shawn and I and talking to her husband
Shawn: "they are fucking goals" he whispers so only I can hear it and i nod.
As we are eating our food the nice lady comes up to our table.
Old lady: "I just wanted to say you are the cutest couple ever." Shawn and I look at each other with our mouth filled.
Me: "no no we're just friends; really good friends"
she looks a little sad and bends down and whispers something in my ear so only I can hear it
Old lady: "he looks at you the way my husband looks at me; we've been married for 60 years" my mouth fly open and wonder if it's possible to actually be married to someone that long since no one in my family has been married that long.
She looks up at me and pats my shoulder and leans down again
Old lady: "don't lose him. One day he may be more than a friend" I nod my head and she slowly walks away with her husband.
I turn back to Shawn and he looks like he's lost in space
Me: "Shawn? Shawn? Hello!"
Shawn: "oh sorry! what did she say?"
I look back at her and she nods her head to make sure I don't forget what she told me
Me: "nothing just don't let the person you love walk away." Shawn nods at me and we continue to talk about random things.
--ummm idk what to say expect for hi, so hi!

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