Chapter 83 and concert experience!

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A/n if you want to know what happened at the Tampa concert then here you go,  if not then you can just find the chapter.
So I got to the arena at like 5: 45 eastern time. I went straight to the merch stand and didn't go crazy.... I bought the tour dates shirt, the roses T-shirt,  and a poster because I'm going to frame it.
Anyway I started to see this big long line outside to get into the arena and it was like 90 degrees Fahrenheit. So the guy says "well if your club/ suits or up to section 230 you go over there" pointing inside.
So me and my mom went in there and we were the last people that could come in.
Anyway so we waited for it to be 6: 30 and I had to get a Pat down check because I was wearing jewelry.
So I got to my seats and they were AMAZING!!!!  You could see him perfectly. I took a picture,  if you want to see you can follow my personal Instagram its @ coral. White_ I think (Lol)  but anyway I started to sit down and saw Manny. I wanted to scream so bad but didn't because well Idk why Lol.
So a little while later there are these girls and we start talking about Shawn and how excited we are.
Then we soon see Manny AND Karen.
We saw Karen Dodge a fan. The fan wanted a picture and she said no.
Then Manny and Karen both looked up and I waved. I looked to see if the girls saw AND THEY WERE ON THERE PHONE. So they basically just waved to me.
Meanwhile my mom was getting water,  she comes back with a bottle of water and I take a sip and ask for the cap. She says there isn't one and I thought she lost it she says no and says "its artist request that there be no caps,  because they may throw it at him" honestly I was so shocked. Let me know who would hurt Shawn and I'm literally going to set them straight.
I saw Geoff riding a skateboard. Also Tom waved at me.
Then around 7: 15 I saw Mike and Dave (Shawn's band) and they were scanning the crowd and once again the girls and I were standing,  AND THEY WERE ON THERE PHONES AGAIN! So I waved,  and they both waved and Mile gave me the rock on symbol. Not even 2 seconds later they start dancing and I was laughing. Dave obviously saw me dying of a mixture between crying of happiness and dying of laughter and pointed to Mike and probably said "the girl is laughing" Mike saw me again and waved.
So the concert starts and I'm screaming with the girls. They are recording the whole thing. And I'm too in the moment to not have recorded.
In my section a lot of the girls were sitting down and barley singing,  except for me and those girls. The people probably thought we were annoying but I honestly didn't care. So Shawn was singing a song,  and HE WAVED AT MY SECTION!!!!  Then some of the other girls sitting down were fighting "he looked at me" etc etc. Which made me laugh.
After the concert I tried to talk to my mom and had no voice what so ever.
Anyway that was my concert experience. It was amazing. And I loved it.  I hopefully can go back again next year, and maybe I'll buy VIP if its not 400 American dollars for gold.

Callie POV
I quickly head downstairs and sit down at the table and push my food around my plate.
Maybe Shawn likes me because of my new body.
Wait no Callie stop. He's not Daniel.
Or is he?
Terrie: "hello!  Earth to Callie? Did you listen to what your dad said?" I get out of my daydream and look up from my plate
Me: "sorry. What happened?" My dad laughes and puts another piece of meat in his mouth
Terrie: "your dad and I have to go to the base" I nod my head slowly
Me: "and I have to take care of Jenna and Sydney?" She shakes her head no
Dad: "nope. They wanted to come" I nod my head.
Terrie: "okay what's with you? You don't seem excited.... Like at all" I look shocked and shake my head no.
Me: "no I'm excited I swear!" My dad laughs and we continue to eat dinner.
After dinner I head upstairs and sit down at my desk and start to look through old pictures.
As I'm looking at what people call the 'old me' I hear my door open and I look back and see Terrie
Terrie: "hey." I smile at her and continue to look at the pictures
Terrie: "how are you and Shawn?" She asks and sits on my bed.
I just shrug and continue to look
Terrie: "ya know I'm not dad. You can tell me things" I look over my shoulder and see a reassuring smile.
Me: "so dad talked to me before dinner" she let's out an aggravated groan
Me: "he was saying that maybe Shawn is like Daniel; like how Daniel said I was too 'large for him" Terrie gives me her 'wtf' face and rolls her eyes
Terrie: "your father I swear. He's crazy. Trust me Shawn is NOTHING like Daniel" I look at her nervously
Terrie: "honey,  you don't need to change for anyone. I know your a people pleaser but you have to not care what they think."
Me: "so your saying I shouldn't be worried?" She comes closer to me and places her hand on my knee and squeezes it.
Terrie: "no you don't. I know I'm not your real mom-" I look up at her
Me: "you are my mom" she smiles.
Terrie: "moms know a bad guy"
She leaves and her words stick with me.

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