Chapter 131

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A/n just wanna say the new fan fiction is coming along quite nicely if I don't say so myself. Very excited. Hope you like it as well. ❤❤

Callie POV
I walk into my dorm and drop my books onto the floor and plop down on my bed.
As soon as I get comfortable I hear a knock on my door and let out a sigh.
I open the door and my emotion soon changes.
Me: "no fucking way!" I say  and jump into his arms.
Shawn: "I heard someone missed me." He says with a chuckle and kiss him. "-I also missed you" I chuckle and kiss him again.
I'm still straddling him, and we moved to the bed.
Me: "wait aren't you supposed to be in LA recording?" I say with concern.
He chuckles and places his hand in my hair
Shawn: "I was but I wanted to see you." I smile and kiss him.
Shawn: "wanna go to my place and just watch movies and eat take out and just cuddle?" I smile and feel tears start to fall on my face.
Shawn: "hey, why the tears?" Wiping my tears away with his thumb
Me: "I just missed you a lot. And I'm just worried that one day we won't be like this. You won't come visit and I'm just worried that I'll look back and this will be the past. I'm worried that in two years this will be something you used to do and we won't be us anymore" He brings me into his hold and rubs my back up and down.
Shawn: "shh baby please don't think like that. It will never happen. I swear to you. It won't ever happen. I love you too much. I will always be by your side whether it's in your dorm or your apartment or our home together. In will always come to you." I look up at him and see sad teary eyes in his.
Me: "but don't you ever worry it could happen?" I say trying not to cry.
Shawn: "of course I worry. But then I come to my senses and know I would never leave you. I promise" He puts his pinky finger in front of me.
Shawn: "I promise Callie. I promise" I smile and I wrap my tiny pinky around his.
Me: "and I promise too Shawn. I promise" He hugs me tightly and I lean up
Me: "what did you say about cuddling and eating take out?" He chuckles and kisses me
Shawn: "that's my girl"
--hope you liked it feedback is appreciated

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