Chapter 120

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A/n HEYYYY so a lot of you LOVED the idea of bringing back Shaige, so.... I may... I'm not sure yet. I have to think of a title and just make sure it will be good. But please don't loose faith. I promise I will continue something after this fan fiction.... Hope you enjoy this chapter ❤

Callie POV
Today's the day. I wake up stretching dramatically like I always do and check my phone instantly
Shawn <3: "hey beautiful I will see you at 12. I know it's early but we can go to lunch okay?" I smile widely and type out a response and go to Spotify and blast John Mayer while getting ready.
I apply my makeup simple as always and put on some jeans and a T-shirt trying to dress myself and get myself mentally prepared for what will happen today. I let out a sigh and hear the door bell ring. I look at my clock quickly and see 11:30am I get confused and peek my head out. My window and see the classic black Jeep to the person I love.
As soon as I turn my head I see Shawn leaning against my doorframe.
Shawn: "hey" Extending his arms and bringing my head to his chest.
Me: "hi. Hmm you smell good" Inhaling his scent. I look up at Shawn to be met with his Hazel eyes.
Shawn: "you sure you want to do this? I mean you-" I stop him by kissing him quickly.
Me: "yes I'm sure." I hug him tighter and inhale his scent. Soon we leave my home and make our way to London Ontario, the address the lady on the phone gave me.
The whole ride to get lunch I bite my nails in force of old habit. I feel a warm hand take my hand and hold it and bring it to his lips and kiss my hand sweetly.
Shawn: "falling into my habits eh?" I let out a chuckle and we go into the restaurant.
Me: "just saying I'm stuffing my face. I do that when I'm nervous" Shawn chuckles and kisses my temple.
Shawn: "good to know"
After stuffing my face I get to my side of the car and don't get it. I just stand there and breathe out heavy and start to cry.
I soon feel shawn move me gently and place me in his arms.
Shawn: "hey shh. Breath for me. You're okay. I'm here. Not leaving. I promise. I'm not leaving you at all." I look up and shawn takes his thumb and wipes the tears away from my cheeks.
Me: "I love you" I hug him tighter and feel his grip on me get tighter as well.
-sorry no update yesterday...

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