Chapter 103

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Shawn POV
She yelled, I yelled and we got no where.
I walk through my home dragging my feet heading upstairs wanting to sleep.
Mum: "Shawn? Is that you?" I turn on my heels and walk towards my mums voice.
I see her and sit down at the table putting my head in my hands and let out a sigh.
I feel my mums hands on my shoulders and feel her sweet kiss on my head
Mum: "what's wrong? Hm?" I look up at her.
Me: "I saw Callie." Her eyes go wide in excitement but I shake my head.
Mum: "oh no what did you do?" She says in fear. I let out a sigh
My: "we went out for lunch. And I-I asked her about her mum... Again."
Mum: "SHAWN! I told you to let her wait to tell you. God Shawn listen to me." I let out another sigh.
Me: "I know. I just I feel like were dating. We shouldnt keep stuff like that." She nods her head.
Mum: "you're right. BUT she doesn't tell you because maybe she's scared? Ever think of that?" I shrug my shoulders
Me: "you know it gets worse." Looking at her through my hands.
Mum: "Jesus Christ what did you say?"
Me: "she was making me frustrated and I kinda asked if she even loved me" my mums mouth goes wide and hits my shoulder
Me: "ouch!"
Mum: "don't EVER ask that to a girl. Especially someone you love."
Me: "what if its over" I ask with a crack in my voice and hold back the tears.
Mum: "its not over until each of you give up. So don't give up"
I smile weakly and a single tear leaves my eye and I wipe it with the bottom of my shirt.
My mum grabs my face in her hands and looks at me
Mum: "if you love her, don't let her go. Don't believe that 'if you love someone let them go' bullshit. No chase after her. If you love her like I think you love her, you won't let her go."
I nod my head slowly
Me: "I won't let her go" I whisper just enough for her to hear me.
She kisses my cheek and looks at me again deep in the eyes.
Mum: "don't give up on her"
---kinda switched it up. Lots of you guys LOVE Shawn POV.

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