Chapter 73

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A/n hope you like it!!!!  Feedback is appreciated!

Callie POV
After packing one of the lat boxes of my decor for college I let out a dramatic sigh and lay across my floor. 
Dad:  "ya know you dont have to pack everything" I look up and see him standing at my doorway eating an apple. 
Me:  "I know. But having tumblr style guest bedroom is a little weird." I hear a chuckle from my dad
Dad:  "I don't even know what that means" I laugh and see him walk away. 
After laying on the ground for a while,  I sit up and call Shawn. 
Shawn:  "what up cutie?" I let out a chuckle and realize I'm blushing. 
Me:  "so we start calling each other pet names now?"
Shawn:  "I mean if you don't want to ill-"
Me:  "no I like it." I hear a chuckle from him
Me: "okay anyway what are you doing tonight?"
Shawn:  "well um I kinda had plans with this girl,  named Callie. "
Me:  "you literally scared the shit out of me"
Shawn:  "I'm sorry love.  I wont do it again" I let out a chuckle
Me:  "no,  just don't hesitate when you do it"
Shawn:  "okay deal.  But what do you have in mind?"
Me:  "that's just for me to know" I hear a chuckle from Shawn. 
Shawn:  "okay love,  I'll see you later!"
Me:  "WAIT!  dress comy. Like SUPER comfy" I hear a chuckle
Shawn: "you are the cutest." I smile and we both soon hangup and I change out of my clothes and get changed into more comfy clothes.
Soffee shorts and a simple tee-shirt. 
Classic comfy outfit. 
I place a hoodie on my bed and make sure to take it when leaving. 
I quickly go downstairs and Terrie sees me.
Terrie:  "what are you doing tonight? "
Me:  "taking Shawn,  to the place"
Terrie:  "THE place?" I nod and smiles
She places a plate of food on the table and she starts to eat
Me:  "wait wheres dad?"
Terrie: "he's staying late at the gym,  helping some wanna be boxer" I nod while taking a bite of my rice. 
After dinner I run upstairs and grab my sandal slides, while wearing my socks.
I quickly run out of the house and drive to Shawn's when I get there and Shawn is coming out wearing a sweatshirtI realize that I forgot my sweater. 
-omg what does Callie have planned?

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