Chapter 95

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A/n okay I didn't use words a lot of like "penis" etc etc. This is not because of you guys. I know you can handle it. Its the literally 12 year olds on Instagram!

Callie POV
He slowly slides in and I feel a slight bit of pain and pressure but nothing that is bad.
His eyes never left mine. His thrusts were sweet and gentle.
They were slow but not too slow.
I close my eyes when I feel his pelvic bone touch mine.
That's when I realize he wasn't fully in.
I arch my back and my mouth goes wide.
With all of his length all in me, it was a little bit more pressure.
My eyes are closed enjoying the pleasure when I feel his warm lips on mine.
His lips slowly trail to my neck.
Shawn: "open your eyes darling." He whispers against my skin.
I open my eyes and see him beautiful amber ones.
I smile at him and he forms this big smile that I love.
Shawn: "you sure I'm not hurting you?" He sounds worried.
Me: "no" I lean up to him and kiss him passionately.
I start to feel some type of pleasure build up in my stomach and it gets stronger the more he thruts into me.
Me: "Sh-sh-awnnnn" I let out a long groan and arch my back.
Shawn: "me too love. I'm close too" I smile and he leans down and we kiss passionately.
He goes a little bit faster and I stop kissing him and his left cheek is on my right cheek and my mouth opens wide and arch my back.
My arms are wrapped around his back and slowly goes up to his hair.
Shawn: "holy shit Callie" he keeps on thrusting.
A couple more thrusts later a huge amount of pleasure rushes through my body.
My back arches high and shawns arm wraps around my back.
He kisses me and we both pant.
He collapses on top of me and slowly rolls out of me, I whimper from the loss and be lays right next to me.
He rolls off the condom and ties it in a knot and throws it in the garbage.
Me: "holy shit" I pant.
He laughs and kisses me.
Shawn: "are your legs sore?" I shrug and look at him.
Me: "I know it it may suck but I hope not. You know my dad would know"
Shawn laughs and looks at me.
Shawn: "just say I beat your ass at the gym" I laugh and nod.
Me: "okay." He pushes me closer in his arms and I soon feels like home.
---was this too smutty or not smutty enough? 

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