Chapter 119

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A/n HELLO long time no post! Hope you like it. Have been thinking long and hard about what my new fan fiction should be, and I've been thinking.... How do you guys like of I bring back Shawn and Paige? If you're new to my account, Shawn and Paige are from my first Fan fiction which is posted here called 'happier' so please let me know!!!!

Callie POV
I start university in t-minus 2 weeks and nerves have been flooding my body for the past month.
I wake up to my whole room different; no more light purple room from me being a little girl, no more twinkly fairy lights that I HAD to have, no more of any of that.
No now it's a neutral colored room with simple decor for guests. People would think my parents are pushing me out but they aren't. I will only come home for breaks maybe I'll surprise them a couple of weekends out of the year when I'm not swamped with school. Either after University or even during I'll be living on my own in my own apartment venturing out into the world. As my dad says "you're leaving the nest, but it doesn't matter how old you are, this will always be your nest"
After telling Shawn I wanted him to accompany me with my mom the nerves flood through me more than moving to university or even getting my tattoo. He was happy that I wanted to go but he was shocked and even more happy that out of all the people I want to go with, it's him.
Shawn and I have continually seeing each other so when he begins tour and I start university we still have many memories.
Today is a normal day me doing the same routine when it hits me that I want to see my mom soon.
I see Shawn calling me and a smile spread on my face.
We talk for our normal hours and I let out a sigh
Me: "I want to see her soon. Like maybe Saturday?" Shawn gets a little silent and I think he doesn't want to go.
Shawn: "okay love. I'll be with you. You pick a time and I'll pick you up okay?" A smile spreads on my face and let out a sigh
Me: "I'm nervous, I haven't seen her since I was 5"
Shawn: "hey, hey it's okay. I'll be there with you. Before we go we'll go and get lunch or something okay?" I nod my head and forget he cant see me.
Me: "okay. I love you"
Shawn: "and I love you"
---HEY! Did ya like it????

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