Chapter 71

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Callie POV
After walking around for awhile, Shawn still has his arms draped around my shoulders, His big hand resting on my collarbone.
As we are walking around Shawn rapidly starts patting my collarbone
Shawn: "LOOK!" pointing to something and I look in his direction.
Me: "you are a child" I laugh and Shawn looks at me.
Shawn: "please? Callie its muffins!" Looking at me with puppy dog eyes.
Me: "okay let's go!" Taking my hand and taking me to the muffin booth.
Me: "okay shawn, I would like to keep my arm" he looks back at me and smiles.
We finally get to the booth and Shawn looks at the aray of muffins and then looks at me.
Finally after spending a while at the booth Shawn and I leaving when I give him this look
Shawn: "what? I cant help it. I love muffins" I let out a chuckle
Me: "no its okay, everyone has their thing." Shawn chuckles.
Shawn: "okay what's your thing then?" Looking down at me" I look up at him and look
Me: "I don't know." Continuing to walk all through out the food fair.
Shawn: "what do you mean you don't know? Everyone has there thing" imitating me. Iaugh at him and jokingly wack his arm playfully.
Me: "maybe its coffee?" Shawn's eyes go wide.
Shawn: "so coffee is your thing, and muffins are mine" I look up at him again and he kisses my nose.
Shawn and I walk around the whole food fair when we start to play hide-n-seek like a bunch of kids.
I'm hiding behind a booth seeing Shawn look for me and I laugh. I see him look my way and I hide my face so he doesn't see me.
Then about a minute later I look back to see him again but don't see him.
I get confused but feel big arms around my waist
Shawn: "ahah, trying to hide from me" he turns me around and kisses me.
--honestly the ending is cute. Got the idea from Mighty Joe Young. If you know that movie, I love you.

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