Chapter 5

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A/n this is a 2 parter but I combined it to be one big chapter, just for wattpad!

Callie POV
Friday night, Lisa and I are going to Daniel, and our friend Alex's football game. I get ready and put the very big jersey on and head out. I see lisa and she looks confused
Lisa: "why is it so b- Daniel?" I nod and roll my eyes.
We get to the school and get to the bleachers, when I see Daniel talking to Maria, if you don't know she is basically a whore, she screws every guy she sees. Anyway I see him talking to her and I just get annoyed. Then Lisa nudges me and points to our other friends Dylan, Lucas and Michelle. We all got super close junior year. Now it's senior year and we are closer than ever.
We then focus on the football game.
Finally the game is over and we won, thank god, because hearing Daniel talking shit about it is not my cup of tea. After the game I see our other friend Alex who plays football. We congratulate, I hug him and I glance over and see Daniel talking with Maria yet again giving me a death stare
Lisa: "why is Daniel talking to her?!" I shrug and continue to pay attention to Alex.
Me: "okay I'm starving. Any ideas?" Hinting I want food
Alex: "jack Astros, or Nammie's." We all look at each other and nod
All: "NAMMIES!" We laugh and head to our cars.
As all of us are going to dinner, I feel my arm being pulled and I see Daniel
Daniel: "hey baby. Where are you going?" He says grabbing my butt
Me: "Nammies with the group. Why?" Taking his hands off my butt. He looks sad
Daniel: "well I wanted to ya know." Thrusting his erection on me. I roll my eyes
Me: "I'll see you tomorrow" I walk away when Daniel pulls me back to him
Daniel: "remember easy on the food." As he says that he kisses me but I don't kiss back.
Daniel: "wait who's going? I saw Lucas McCain in the bleachers, you know he's from our rival school right?" I look pissed off
Me: "okay so? He may have transferred but he's still my friend"
Daniel: "are you also going with Michelle?" He says while rolling his eyes
Me: "what the fu- ya know what, I'll see you tomorrow" clearly bothered I walk away.
Michelle: "what was that about?"
Me: "doesn't want me to go to dinner with the arch rival, or even you" she looks pissed
Michelle: "I swear he hates when you do anything without him!" I just shrug it off and we head to the car and go to Nammies.
--hope you like it! Let me know what you think!

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