Chapter 126

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A/n how you like it!!!  Sorry if its later than I usually post. Something finally came to me lol.

Callie POV
I sit outside my house trying to decide what to say to my dad. I look over at Shawn and I see he's biting his nails and I grab his hand and squeeze it.
Shawn: "sorry. I know you hate that" He says with a chuckle. I kiss the back of his hand.
Me: "you won't leave right? I mean you'll stay?" His eyes soften even more and nods his head.
I walk into my house and smell the same cinnamon bark smell and walk over to my dad who is sitting on the couch watching a car show.
Me: "hey dad, can we talk about something important?" He looks up from the TV and sees my nervous eyes. He turns the TV off and faces me. 
I sit down next to him and let out a sigh.
Me: "I saw her today" My dads eyes widen and nods slowly.
Dad: "she still alive?" I nod my head slowly and fiddle with my ring on my finger.
Me: "she said that she tried calling me when I was younger. Why didn't you tell me?"
Dad: "I knew you'd find out one day." He says shaking his head. "I felt guilty everyday I didn't tell you. You finally stopped asking about her. You finally looked like you moved on. I mean you had Terrie since you were 8" As soon as his words left his mouth I became livid.
Me: "Terrie is NOT my mom. Never was. You just thought I moved on because I stopped asking? You thought I was done wondering where my mom was?" I let out an angry huff and shake my head.
Me: "did you think I wasn't going to find out one day?" He shrugs his shoulders and slumps forward
Dad: "I just didn't think she'd last this long. I mean callie she was dying. She said herself she didn't want you to watch her die I me-" I put my hand up to his face and atop him.
Me: "but you kept something from me. You didn't even ask if I wanted to talk to her. You just assumed I 'moved on' well I didn't."
Dad: "I just wanted to protect you. Didn't want you hurt again" I let out a sigh and get up from the couch.
Me: "I'm going to get some air"
--kinda on the fence about this... ❤❤

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